Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

(And unlike Antique Mommy, I totally know what Ice Ice Baby means.  Hey, I'm a proud product of the 80's.  I know I borrowed it from her, but it totally fits.)

School has been cancelled for us today.  We've just had our first official ice storm for the season.  (yay)  Lines are down across the state, heavy ice has broken many trees and the roads are the same as you would find in an ice rink.  (Too bad we don't drive a Zamboni.)  But on the up side of this little inconvenience, I don't have to go to work either since I drew the straw to stay home today.  (YAY!!)  I get to pretend to be a SAHM.

As I was laying awake in bed this morning at an entirely too early hour, I was thinking about how blessed we are, especially in the wake of an emergency such as this one.
  • I awoke in a warm, comfy bed.
  • Warm air was circulating the room.
  • The new roof was keeping out all the cold elements.
  • The kids were still snuggled in deep sleep in their beds.  (They don't even realize what is going on in their innocence.  All they prayed for was a day off of school.)
  • There was blissful silence all around me.  (no wrecks outside our door - of course it was four something in the morning...)
  • The cat wasn't crawling all over me.  (Okay, that last one would be blessing any day, but I just had to throw it in there.)
All the above and my feet haven't even touched the floor yet!  

When they did, I had the blessing of a warm house and the money to pay for the bill to come, lots of good food in my pantry/fridge/freezer that will sustain us for weeks if need be, clothes that will keep us warm throughout the day and all the appliances that keep our place running smoothly - working washing machine, a great microwave for hot chocolate, a great oven for baking and coffee maker that keeps me awake enough to write this post.

Sometimes (okay, MOST of the time) I take all these things for granted.  But today, for this moment, it's really good to remember where they came from and to whom I am grateful.

Thanks God... for everything.

Now for the real dilemma:

Aside from reading, watching a movie and baking, what do you suggest that I do with the kids during this little "holiday"?  I'd totally love to avoid the whole I'm bored scenario (which they shouldn't pull because if they do, they'll have to do push ups.  Look - I'm a mom and a gunny sergeant.)  Throw out your ideas.  We may be here a few days and I need all the help I can get!

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