Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, Your Prayers Worked

But maybe not the way I expected...

I spent all Wednesday looking for a new used car. A lot of time was spent online, trying to narrow down the hunt. By the time Mr. Right came home from work early, we were ready to hit the road to find our set of wheels that will get us around town.

We went down a few of the car strips where they specialize in used cars. We looked and looked and looked. And three hours later, we still had nothing. We even went down to the car lot where Mr. Right worked for a few months back when we just needed a job to pay the bills.

What did we find?  Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Each car we found either had a problem that we didn't want to shoulder (one car died twice when we were trying to start it) or it reeked of cigarette smoke. If you're not a smoker, this point is huge. No one who doesn't smoke wants to buy a car that smells like a ashtray. Personally, I don't think it matters a bit if the smoker always left the window down. It still gets into the cloth of the car and no amount of neutralization can make it completely disappear.

So after searching for five hours, we were still empty handed and in a bind with getting to work.  We started to discuss options of asking friends who might have an extra car that we could use when we received a call from Mr. Right's dad.  Since we had set a time to meet the grandparents that night, we thought he was calling to confirm everything.

But no!  Lo and behold, he called to ask if it would help us if we borrowed his truck for a bit.  When they came to meet us, they would bring up two cars and we would take the truck home.  Woo hoo!  Problem solved for a little while.

So see?  Your prayers worked beautifully.  Thank you for lifting us up to the One who can handle everything, even something as little as a drive.  We have a set of wheels to cover us until we can get out Saturday to find a car that will fit our needs.  Please continue to pray for this particular item for us if you don't mind.  We really would love to have this remedied ASAP.  It's wonderful to have Grandpa's truck, but he's going to need it back sooner or later and we'd rather make it sooner!

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