Thursday, November 24, 2005

Count Your Many Blessings... (I love that song.)

I cannot thank God enough for all the gifts he gives to me. His blessings are endless and His love is immeasurable. But I shall attempt to name a few.

I have a husband who loves me know matter how many mistakes I make and, trust me, there are many. As an extra bonus, he brings me coffee in bed almost every morning. That, coupled with the fact that he does the vacuuming, are reasons enough to never complain about him again (but I know I will).

I have a family that actually enjoys being together. My daughter offers the sweetest smiles, and my son teaches me to play with zest and zeal. They both are the best reasons to wake up in the morning (besides the coffee). They both have taught me the art of snuggling. I hope they will never outgrow it).

My job is fun. I love going there and feeling needed, helpful and challenged. My boss is one of a kind (meant in a good way!) and my coworkers are a blast, those in the office and those across the country. Plus, the coffee is really good.

My friends are constantly teaching me patience, kindness and goodness. It's great to have friends who are willing to be honest and open. I vent and they don't hold it against me. Plus they have great taste in drinks and they love to eat like us! It's always good to have several things in common.

I love that our church is real. Most of our friends are from church, so it is great to have that same direction in life. Our preacher leads us to think about how we can get into a greater, deeper relationship with God and how we can think about others more than of ourselves. (Sad to say that I often need that constant reminder!) Our elders are helpful and wise, yet they are not afraid to say that they don't know the correct answer or that they have made a mistake. That is one of the things I love about our church... We are all humans, trying to make it along as best as we can, waiting to join our Maker at the end of the journey.

One unseen blessing that I want to talk about is the loss of Mr. Right's job. God really knew what He was doing when He pulled that one away from us, not even a full month after we moved into our new house. Not only did I feel a sense of peace about God's working in our lives, it gave me a deep appreciation for my friends. God, through our friends, took great care of us. We never went without a thing. Some angel with skin on paid our brand new mortgage bills, we had many a good meals with our dear friends and our prayer life became as active and fulfilling as possible.

I know this blog is a serious one. Don't worry. I'll get back to goofy really soon. But I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge to God that I realize He is good and and my cup is running over and spilling onto the floor. It's one mess that I am going to leave alone.

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