Thursday, September 21, 2006

Not So Big Of A Challenge (for me)

I've had a couple of people ask why I, avid reader extraordinaire - okay, so I'm not so extraordinary, but I am the avid reader - haven't participated in the Fall Into Reading Challenge from Katrina. I thought the intent of it was to encourage those who are not reading to begin reading now. Since I read while waiting for a light to turn green, I didn't think it applied to me.

But Susanne corrected my way of thinking (in this matter anyway) and talked me into participating. (I think she just wants to know what is on my list, to be honest. What a nosy friend!) It really won't take any more of my time since it is something I would normally do anyway. Only now I am pre-planning my books rather than grabbing and going.

So here's my list that I will complete between now (Sept. 21st) until December 21st. Lord willing.
  • March : a novel by Brooks, Geraldine
  • A Dirty Job : a novel by Moore, Christopher
  • Affinity by Waters, Sarah
  • The Doctor's Daughter : a novel by Wolitzer, Hilma
  • The Tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread by DiCamillo, Kate
  • Broken for You by Kallos, Stephanie
  • The Bookwoman's Last Fling : a Cliff Janeway novel by Dunning, John
  • Say Good Night To Insomnia by Jacobs, Gregg D
  • A Light In The Window by Karon, Jan
  • Captivating by Eldredge, John and Stasi
  • Financial Peace University by Ramsey, Dave
  • A Rift in Time by Phillips, Michael
  • Sheet Music by Leman, Kevin
  • the rest of the Narnia Series (I've read the first 2)
  • the remainder of the Bible - from Galatians on.

And if I run out of books before the 21st, then I would to re-read the Anne of Green Gables series. They are delightful! Plus there is always the chance that I find something new to add to the collection.

Mind you, all of these are contingient on whether or not I can get them from the library. I won't be reading these in order, but if I can get them, I'll read them.

So join us; tell us what is on your night stand just waiting to be read. I just might put that on my list too...
