Monday, November 26, 2007


The Boy turned eight on Sunday. Where has the time gone? 

I remember holding him, thinking he looked just like a monkey with his long arms, lengthy legs and a head of hair that stood on end just like a baby monkey. And his eyes! They were always so wide and alert, taking in everything. His Grandmavon even took to calling “Mowgli” the boy from the Jungle Book – for his looks and for his knack at finding himself in one adventure after another.

But now this beautiful boy is growing up before our very eyes. Although he’s still known to cry, his laughter far outnumbers his tears. His stretched appendages are the same; he is still a full head above most of his classmates. He easily can give the Energizer Bunny a good run for his money, too. If I could bottle just an ounce of that liveliness, I’m sure I would have my retirement completely covered. 

But he’s still my little boy, the same one who asks to snuggle in the morning and wants his story time at bedtime.  The same one who tries to up "just one minute more."  The same one who will run and give an attack hug to those he loves so dearly.

There are some things I hope he'll never outgrow.

So in honor of the big eight boy in this house, I’ll tell you eight things about The Boy that you may or may not know.
  1. The Boy LOVES anything Ben 10. He eats, sleeps and breathes Ben 10, and when he’s not doing that, he just pretends to be Ben 10 at any given moment. Yes, he’s asked for a Ben 10 room, but I said no. I know, I know… I’m such a mean mom.
  2. Clue is quickly becoming The Boy’s favorite game.
  3. The Boy can’t sit still through a prayer, but if you give him a puzzle, a logic problem or some sort of building block, he can sit for hours amusing himself.
  4. He can make all sorts of sounds with his mouth – engines, crashes, aliens, voices from characters in movies.
  5. The Boy loves to make everything fly – game pieces, donuts, Lego’s, himself. He even sings “I Believe I Can Fly” as each the things fly. It’s amazing that we haven’t been to the emergency room with him yet…
  6. Ice cream is at the top of The Boy’s favorite desserts. (Of course, he never would turn down any other treats…)
  7. The Boy loves to sing. He makes up songs all the time and he doesn’t care if anyone listens while he sings.
  8. He has a heart that loves God, and he’s often thanking God for all the blessings that he’s been given. 
Happy Birthday, The Boy!

P.S. I love you more – from the earth to heaven and back again, forever and ever and ever, infinity plus one. And we both win.
