Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Since Judi Asked...

So Judi already asked the first question of the new year. "Now my very important question is what are you reading now, and what do you plan to read in 2008?"

Well Judi, I only have a few books that I'm in presently. They are Proverbs, The Late Hector Kiplinger, Calpurnia, Peter and the Starcatcher (reading it with my daughter) and Sweetie Pies.

I know, I know. So few for me. But if you want me to be completely honest, I'm just not in a huge mood to read right now. This mood prevails over me a few times each year; it just so happens that you asked when I'm in one, Judi. Too bad for me.

But (and after this holiday eating season, I do have a big one!) I have a few books that I can't wait to devour when the feeling hits me again.


The Kite Runner (Actually I didn't have a bit of interest to read this one until I received several comments telling me that I really need to read this book.)


Welcome To The World, Baby Girl

The Documents in the Case

Cold Sassy Tree

Bridge of Sighs

An Arsonist's Guide to Writers Home in New England

Another Jodi Picoult book, tbd

Those are just a few on my list, whenever my need to read kicks back in. It will be going strong soon enough, I'm sure.

So since I'm just making my list, what have you read, recent or not, that I must have on my list?  What new books have you seen that look like they just need to read?  Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi(s) - You're my only hope (to know books that I should read.)
