Monday, April 21, 2008

Gratituesday 3

It's time for a little shout out to the Lord, so you know that it must be Gratituesday, where one can be vocally thankful for something in life.

This week, I've been blessed more and more with the knowledge that The Girl and I have a pretty good relationship. Never mind the fact that she's teetering on the fence from being a girl to becoming a woman. Never mind that I'm a walking hormone waiting to happen. We still get along and laugh most of the time.

Yesterday, when we had to get lost from the house because Mr. Right was showing it to some potential buyers, she and I ran to Walmart to look at shoes. For half an hour we tried on all sorts of shoes, making fun of the throwbacks from the 70's and talking ourselves out of some shoes because oh my lands! I'm not ready for her to be in heels yet... But can I just share with you how thrilled I was when this sweet girl walked beside me talking to me about anything and everything while holding my hand?! In public! Without a care for anyone who might see!

These are the things that make me realize that the best things in life aren't things.

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