Five For Five
PastorMac's Ann over at It's Always A Production (ain't that the truth!) tagged me with little meme. So here goes.
1) Five Minutes to yourself. How would you spend them ideally? Well ideally I should say reading, but seeing how I usually get at least an hour to myself every morning because I wake up so stinkin' early, I'm going to step outside that box and list other things that I would like to do, such as (but in no way limited to!):
- talking with Lauren
- laughing with Jeana
- sitting on the beach with my mom
- chatting with Gina
- flying with f-stop
- scarfing a Hawaiian pizza with AggieJenn
- getting fall tips from GiBee
- drinking a mocha breve with Bekah
- receiving a lip gloss lesson from Kelsey
- making lasagna with Addie
- tracking down Stacey
- talking books with Susanne
- eating Cold Stone with Shannon and Chilihead
- looking at clouds with Kate
- vacationing with Kim
- cooking with Willson
- viewing tattoos with Kathryn
- hugging Lori
- getting to know Scribbit
- making a shake for Laurel
- playing Uno with my kids
- eating pie with BooMama
- sitting with momrn2 watching the deer in her yard
- conversing with Shayne
- reading a love letter from Mr. Right
- savoring wine with Antique Mommy
- receiving a call telling me that someone just gave us money to pay off the student loans
2) Five Dollars to spend right now. How or where would you spend it?
I would save it for the We Wanna Meet weekend coming up in just 17 days. I have a feeling that I did not save enough for all the food, fun and festivities that have been planned...
3) Five Items in your house you could part with right now?
- my dust collection
- the two chairs in the front room that Mr. Right had to have
- the wallpaper in our masterbath (came with the house)
- lima beans (blech)
- the bills (as in "Pay me!" bills not the bills that are actual cash... wait, I don't have any of the latter in my house so it's not a big problem)
4) Five Items in your house you absolutely, positively could never part with?
- Mr. Right
- my girl
- my boy
That's really all I can name. All the rest is just stuff. It would be rather inconvenient to lose anything, but as long as I had my family, we could make the rest work (after the tears about losing everything else, that is.)
*After creating this post, I went home to find the freezer door open with some food partially thawed. I kept reminding myself that it's just stuff, that I really meant what I wrote, that everything is okay in the long run, that God will replace that food... So I did mean what I wrote, I just had to talk myself into the truth of it. I just wish that God didn't have to give me such an expensive reminder. But for now, we'll be eating chicken or pork for a couple of days. Mr. Right barbequed some last night and I forsee some chops in our future. Sigh. But at least we have food. Thank you God. I'm really not whining; I'm just feeling the truth of the words.
5) Five Words (or phrases in my case) you love?
- "Hey love" (from Mr. Right - he almost always answers my calls with these words)
- "Mom"
- "I love you" (especially from the family, but certainly not limited to them)
- "You look great!" (from anyone - really I'm not that picky who says it)
- "Hey, I just found $20 in my coat. Let's go to Fortune Wok or Chick-fil-A!"
Okay, I'm tagging a few to see how they'll reply: Scribbit, momrn2, kpjara, Aggiejenn and Laurel Wreath
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