Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Conversation With A Soul

Shannon had a conversation with her sweet Joseph this week about the beauty of the Gospel.

I'm so glad she posted it because I had the same conversation my 6 (almost 7 by only a few days) year old this morning. We were talking about being a Christian and he said that he was one. I said that he is in a Christian family, but he would have to make some heart-felt decisions before becoming one because it is a choice that he needs to make on his own and not one to be made lightly.

When he asked about getting to heaven, what I told him was almost verbatim to what Shannon said. "You love Jesus, and you ask him to forgive you for your sins, and you invite Him to live in your heart." I also explained to him that with this decision, he should be baptized because it is something God asks us to do as a symbol of God's washing away our sins to make us clean.

He said that he wanted to be a Christian and I explained that he would need to believe that Jesus was the son of God; he brightened up and said, "I believe that!" Then I said that to be he would need to believe in his heart that Jesus died on the cross to forgive him of his sins. He jumped up and down and piped up excitedly, "I believe that too!" He explained the concept of sin as when you disobey God.

Then I asked him what being a Christian meant to him. He replied, "You obey God... and your parents."

What a joy that conversation brought to my heart! (especially that last little addition...) I told him that he was right. I also explained that being a Christian is the most important decision he will ever make, that once he decides to become a member of the family of God, it will affect every decision he makes for the rest of his life, that it won't always be easy, but it will be the most rewarding part of his life that will be filled with all the promises from God.

He nodded his head and smiled. "Like God's promise to never flood the entire earth again."

I nodded my head and also added that God made promises just for people who give their lives to him, i.e. God promises to give us strength to be his child; he promises us peace in our hearts if we will give all our struggles to him; he promised us eternal life with him; he promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit; he promised that he will take care of us if we seek him first; he promised that he will hear our prayers; he promised that when we mess up and don't follow him, we can ask for forgiveness and he will not only forgive us, but hold us close to him, etc.

His eyes, as well as his smile, were bright with the wonder of it all.

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Here's my dilemma: I think he's too young to be making this decision. Seven seems just too green and a time in his life when he doesn't understand so much.

But isn't this what his dad and I been praying for?

It makes sense that he should understand the tip of salvation quicker than others who aren't raised in a Christian home; we talk about Jesus and pray for strength to make good decisions to reflect God's glory. And who understands everything? I'm still learning more and more after almost 25 years of being a member of God's family. Am I worrying over nothing? I keep coming back to "Let the little children come unto me" scripture, too.

What say you on this theological quandry? I would like your opinion on whether or not age should be a factor in salvation. My desire is that when he makes that decision, he goes into it with his eyes wide open and his heart willing to live for God. Is that expecting too much from a seven year old or should I not have that expectation, but rather let God work wonders through my son's heart.

I am not wanting to start any sort of war, so please comment nicely to me and to the others leaving comments. I'm just looking for your opinions on this wonderful predicament.

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