A Bloggity Night Of FUN!

Southern Girl, me and Karla
Where, oh where do I even begin? It was such a fantastic time, I'm having a hard time organizing my thoughts... Last night Mr. Right and I had the pleasure of spending time with some blogging friends: Karla and her family and Southern Girl and her mom. And to top it off, Karla invited a (not so old) friend from my childhood - William and his family.
When we arrived and Karla opened her door, I knew immediately that I had met her before when we where at college. (The really neat part of talking with Karla is that we have found that we went to the same college, we've actually met in real life way back then, her preacher came to our church recently, we have several friends in common, really this list can continue on and on...) We hugged and talked as if we weren't meeting for the first time. I love that kind of relationship! (And when her husband Dan came home, it was the same all over. I knew I had met him, even if he couldn't remember me... What can I say? I've grown into my making a lasting impression, I guess.)
When I entered into their new house (which was absolutely gorgeous, by the way!), introductions to Southern Girl were quickly underway. Let me just tell you all now: Southern Girl is just as sweet and lovable in real life as she is on her blog. I wanted to just wrap her up, stick her in my pocket and take her home. (But her mom wouldn't let me.) Again it was like old home week in our discussions. I didn't feel as if I was meeting a stranger for the first time; I felt as if I was talking with a long-time friend.
And look at this beautiful piece of artwork that Southern Girl so graciously made for me.
Is this not one of the most beautifully crafted crosses you've ever seen? Southern Girl, I know JUST where it is going at home. Thank you for your sweet thoughtfulness.
After talking a bit with the everyone, Ainsley so sweetly requested, "Come on! Let's go play!" and so I was off for a time of shopping, piano playing, spying all the rooms and hide and seek. That girl is so sweet I could eat her with a spoon! All manners and smiles, she didn't even baulk when I said that I wanted to go spend time with the adults. She just led me into the living room and sat beside me. And when she did, she so politely and kindly said, "She has prickly legs just like you, Mama!" We all laughed well on that one, and then I watched Southern Mama adjust her pant legs so that Ainsley couldn't get near her skin...
Soon William and his family arrived, and it was hugs all around again. He's the same as I remember him - funny, fun-loving and wacky guy that I remember from church. He really became my extended family by the way that our families spent so much time together - church, youth group, bus programs, potlucks, family game nights, Thanksgiving... our families were together all the time when I was growing up. So this night became a mini family reunion for me too.
A funny story: When Robin asked, "Who is this girl that we're going to meet?", William replied, "She's the girl that everyone said that she and I would get married when we were growing up." Then he laughed. And I have to admit that it made me laugh when I heard that because first of all, no one said it to me when we were younger; secondly, we would have driven each other crazy by the time we were walking down the aisle; and thirdly, that would be like marrying my brother - which really just gives me the willies! (In a good way, William... in a good way.)

A picture for his mama...
And to top it off, William became an instant daddy. Courtney loves William which anyone can tell is a blessing in and of itself. She calls him Daddy, talks with him as if he deserves respect and love and plays with him as if she's done so all her life. It's really great to see them all so blessed with each other.
Dinner of fried chicken, beans, slaw, biscuits and strawberries was perfect! Karla, you were right: Gus' makes some mighty fine, finger-lickin' good chicken. And Southern Mama brought a fun-looking dessert that complimented the meal very nicely. I just love being back in the land of really great food!We had to say goodbye to Southern Girl and her mom as they had to leave early. But I'm so happy that they made time to visit with us. It really was a treasure. (And as a great side note to all you Southern Girl readers: She may be back sooner than she said... She just has to go visit her boyfriend first...)
After dinner we talked, laughed and then we taught them the thrill of "Swap!", which only lead to more laughter and talking. Games were a perfect way to round out this fun-filled night!
Labels: Anniversary Getaway, Blogging, Friendship
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