Monday, July 09, 2007

Things That Make Me Smile

Since I was such a Negative Nancy (No offence to anyone named Nancy!) last Friday, I thought I'd look at the other side of the coin...

  1. Mr. Right
  2. Playing games with friends
  3. When playing Catch Phrase with friends and one of the men starts his clue with "a woman who is a hottie" and Mr. Right shouts out "Shalee!" before the guy has a chance to continue
  4. Beating the guys when playing Catch Phrase (two times in a row... we bad, we bad, we know it...)
  5. Hearing my children tell me that they miss me
  6. My extended family and their taking my children for a few weeks
  7. My in-awes and their taking my children for the rest of the summer
  8. Daydreaming about an up coming anniversary trip
  9. Waking up and finding that Mr. Right has made coffee for me
  10. Reading in the early morning sunlight
  11. Listening to the birds as day is dawning
  12. Finding a book I can't put down
  13. Reading familiar "friends"
  14. My job
  15. Flying
  16. 80's music
  17. My iPod
  18. Reading my Bible and discovering new things even though I've read all the books before
  19. Watching Mr. Right read the Bible
  20. Holding Mr. Right's hands in prayer
  21. My freckles
  22. Knowing that God's grace is sufficient for the likes of me
  23. Knowing that God's grace is sufficient for the likes of you too
  24. Knowing that no matter what stupid thing I do, God will still forgive me if I have a contrite heart
  25. Knowing that God will fight for me if I will just step out of the way
  26. Hearing a really good joke
  27. Singing loudly in my car with the windows down
  28. Sunsets
  29. Watching the stars start to peek out at night
  30. My down comforter
  31. Reading books that my daughter recommends so that we can talk about them
  32. Reading blogs
  33. Tirling bloggers
  34. Mirling blogger
  35. Allowing blogger friends to move from "blogger friends" to "friends"
  36. Finding that when we need help, friends come running
  37. Doing something nice for someone else
  38. Doing something nice anonymously for something else
  39. Seeing someone else doing something nice for something else
  40. Giving back to God
  41. Watching my children as they sleep
  42. Cooking with my kids
  43. Dancing as if no one is watching
  44. Chocolate Fudge ice cream from B&R
  45. Mud Pie from Chances R
  46. Chinese food
  47. Dreaming about going to Italy
  48. Going to a Royal's game on July 3rd and watching them not only win, but viewing a spectacular fireworks display afterwards
  49. Going to a Chiefs' game with Larry and Rosemary (They're a hoot!!)
  50. Meeting the rest of the family in Christ
  51. Walking in the aboretum in the morning for a couple of hours
  52. Seeing a deer only 25 feet from me when I take that walk
  53. Hearing Mr. Right's words of love and romance
  54. Dark chocolate
  55. Sweet cream ice cream with strawberries
  56. Pretty toenails
  57. Really good wine
  58. Unexpected gifts/favors from God (concert tickets, game tickets, play tickets)
  59. Finding great bargains
  60. Seeing no negative signs in my checking account
  61. Witnessing kidness from my children
  62. The smile on my girl
  63. The smile on my boy
  64. The smile on Mr. Right
  65. Laying out by the pool
  66. Going to a waterpark
  67. Horseback riding
  68. Batting cages (actually being in one and swinging... not the cages themselves)
  69. Butterflies
  70. Flowers
  71. Flowers from Mr. Right
  72. My wedding rings (Mr. Right designed them)
  73. Getting a great haircut
  74. Feeling needed
  75. Feeling included
  76. Seeing a new brother/sister come to Christ
  77. Holding a new baby
  78. Sitting in my hot car after working all day in the office
  79. Finding myself praising/talking to God without being conscious of it in the first place
  80. Realizing that when trouble hits, I'm not fretting or worrying, but rather I'm asking for God's will to be done
  81. Feeling/striving to be closer to God
  82. Visiting friends we haven't seen in years
  83. Memphis BBQ
  84. Getting a handmade gift from my children
  85. Reading with my children
  86. Watching a really great (and mostly unobjectable) movie
  87. Fitting into clothes that were tight the last time I tried them on
  88. Hearing "Thank you" from others when I've worked hard for them
  89. Hearing my children rave over one of my meals
  90. Watching my children practicing good manners and good service towards others
  91. Having Mr. Right open the car door for me
  92. Knowing that Mr. Right will call me everyday on his break just to hear my voice
  93. Knowing that God used me to help comfort/assist someone in need
  94. Tax refunds
  95. Feeling beautiful
  96. Understanding that God sees me as beautiful, even when I don't
  97. Sitting out on my back deck, enjoying the warmth and sounds
  98. Snuggling with my children
  99. Mr. Right wanting to sketch me
  100. Having lots of comments from YOU and talking back and forth afterwards
