
Monday, May 14, 2007

10 Things I Love About Mother's Day

  1. Tender wake-up kisses from two sweet kids
  2. Sausage Cheese Biscuits
  3. Breakfast in bed
  4. Homemade Mother's Day cards
  5. Gleam of excitement in kids' eyes and seeing their smiles as I exclaim how much I LOVE their thoughtful presents that they asked to get for me (eyeglasses holder, cedar planks for cooking salmon and a handmade picture frame)
  6. Present from Mr. Right (Jim Brickman tickets! A DATE for later... Woo hoo!)
  7. Not having to do dishes/permission to not show the house for a day if anyone called - no one did, thank goodness
  8. Picking out the restaurant for lunch (favorite Chinese restaurant)
  9. Knowing over and over again in my heart how blessed I am to be with family who loves me
  10. Realizing that I wouldn't change a single thing in my life because it's perfectly satisfying

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(Old picture, but I love it!)

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