Thursday, May 10, 2007

Boy, I've Got To Start Working Out...

I ran, but not fast enough. I've been tagged by Trista (whose new profile picture is adorable!), Kimberly and Susanne for a meme of 7 random things about me. Herein lies the problem... I'm pretty sure that I've told you almost everything about me, so I'm going to see what I can come up with in the next few minutes...

  1. I haven't read as much as I normally do. (And the internet world suddenly went still...) I'm having a more difficult time sticking with it lately. I don't know if it's the books that I've chosen for the Spring Reading Challenge or if it's just that I'm in a funk, but my books read per week average has taken a huge dive. Don't worry. I'll get my groove back soon, and I'll finish my Challenge by the end of the deadline. But in the meantime, if you have any day-stopping suggestions, then please share! I'll work them into the list too.

  2. I'm not a veggie lover, so I pray that God will help me to enjoy them so that I can attempt to stick to the items that would help to lower cholesterol. (I refuse to go on cholesterol meds until it becomes imperative.) And as I suspected, God's coming through for me.

  3. When I get off work, my favorite thing to do is to get into my hot car and drive with the windows up and the air off for as long as possible. I love to get that slight glistening on my skin.

  4. When I plan a luncheon for the office, I always pick something I want to eat. (Plus, I get to take home all the leftovers. Bonus! A no-cook night for me! Lately I've had the world's best salad (Don't believe me? Come to KC and I'll prove it to you!), Southern style BBQ and tasty fajitas. (No, I don't get to eat like this all the time... We've just had a ration of meetings of late.)

  5. A friend just gave me a bottle of Chocolate Amore (chocolate wine). I looked at it quite skeptically and asked if she had tried it. She replied, "Oh my gosh, yes Shalee. It's so good you're going to want to pour it all over someone and lick it off!" Alllllrighty then... I'll see if Mr. Right will be free soon. I didn't realize that "lickability" was the new gauge for goodness...

  6. I just used all my paycheck from BizRate to purchase the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Those first books were boogers to get (still missing #8 because I ran out of money - always next month!). They're worth all the trouble though because I love holding those books, waiting to read them because I know I'm going to be laughing from start to finish again. Maybe if I start in on them I'll get out of this funk...

  7. I am turning the corner on my age. Those reading glasses I mentioned on the Purse Meme are new to me. I've only had them about four weeks and I've already managed to lose them once last Saturday. (I did some great praying without ceasing to find them. Yesterday, I just said, "God, I can't find them. Please give us (family who was helping to look for them) the vision to see them." And when we went outside to eat our dinner, Mr. Right set his plate on the table, sat down and said, "Well, Shalee. There are your glasses." It was such an answered prayer, I just had to tell them all about how God answered this one. Anyway, here they are in all their glory...

  8. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now I'm to tag seven other innocent bystanders... hmmm, who's even slower than me and will get tagged? I'm thinking that AggieJenn and Stacey are easy target because they're pregnant. I tag Jeana and Addie because (no they're not pregnant - although we could start some rumors...) they actually like to drink coffee with me. I'm getting Kelli, aka Theodore, because she calls me Alvin from the Chip Monks post - but not because she's sick y'all because that would be wrong. And lastly I pick Mamarose (because! She! is! So! ExCiTeD! aBoUT LIFE!) and Melody because she had the last comment yesterday.

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