Thursday, July 12, 2007

Things That Make Me Smile - Part Deux

That was so much fun, I decided to do it again...
  1. Watching While You Were Sleeping with Mr. Right

  2. Summer lovin'

  3. Knowing some of you are now singing "happened so fast, summer lovin' had me a blast..."

  4. Grace

  5. Skinny dipping

  6. Tubing down a lazy river

  7. Jumping in puddles

  8. Catching rainbows

  9. Getting real mail

  10. Glistening in the warmth of the sun

  11. My playlist on my iPod

  12. Singing along to my playlist

  13. Eating Chinese food in bed with Mr. Right

  14. Coming home

  15. Getting to come home early

  16. My boss leaving for weeks at a time

  17. Stash chai-spiced black tea

  18. Knowing that I'm eating the last thin mint

  19. The Philadelphia Story

  20. Getting more out of my Victoria's Secret gc because they were having their semi-annual sale when I went into the store

  21. Hearing Tenni purr

  22. Getting a "cat massage" from her

  23. Seeing Tenni go crazy once in a while - dashing here and there, charging up the stairs, finding her sitting in a huge towel basket and peering out at me

  24. Catching her scratching the right thing to scratch

  25. Seeing the other smile lists that are being created because of this list

  26. Praying for God to grant me peace about a troublesome problem at work and watching him handle every detail with such speed and wonder

  27. A bug-free (well, mostly) summer

  28. New car smell

  29. Cinnamon

  30. Homemade guacamole

  31. *ahem*

  32. Hot showers

  33. Finding money about which I forgot in the laundry

  34. Cooking comfort food

  35. Trying a new recipe and really liking it

  36. No traffic when I'm desperately needing to make it somewhere fast

  37. Having all green traffic lights

  38. Remembering lines from movies

  39. Mr. Right serenading me, especially since I know he generally can't remember words to songs

  40. Looking at pictures from our honeymoon

  41. Looking at pictures of our kids when they were younger

  42. Thinking about some of the fun times I had in high school

  43. Thinking of college friends

  44. Comforting a young girl who is scared that she is traveling alone for the very first time

  45. Praying for the right words to talk to a coworker about knowing God

  46. God granting that prayer

  47. Getting put in the concierge level at my hotel when I'm on a business trip

  48. Finding out that the 800 teenagers at my hotel (I kid you not) are fun, energetic and still kind

  49. Finding an open treadmill in the workout room

  50. Getting totally checked out by of the (doesn't know any better yet) teenagers (I felt like Stacey's Mom in that same-named song...)

  51. Getting exceptional service at the hotel restaurant

  52. Talking and laughing with the wait staff in the restaurant (the restaurant was quite dead)

  53. Being allowed to personally complement the chef of my meal and then seeing value spark in his eyes

  54. Having one of the waitresses come by to top off my wineglass without asking for that perk (see, being nice can have its own rewards)

  55. After being called back (from the 19th floor that stopped on every single level because of the kazillion kids in the hotel) to the restaurant three times after my meal for very necessary yet comical reasons which are too long to tell here, telling that same staff who are all waiting to go home, "I have loved seeing y'all, but I mean this in the nicest way - I hope I don't see you anymore tonight!" and then all of us laughing

  56. Being told that a drink of my choice is waiting for me at the bar as a reward for being so understanding and kind (I told them that I didn't need the drink...)

  57. Drinking an unexpected Butterscotch Schnapps anyway (Hello! Free booze... never turn that down sister, especially good stuff!)

  58. Sleeping really well that night

  59. Talking with complete strangers and finding that we used to live in the same hometown

  60. Telling some gentleman who said in a "you're so naive" way that I'd never make my flight, "Oh yes I will; I've already prayed to God about it."

  61. God granting that prayer (with time to spare!)

  62. Telling a passenger who was really worried about catching his connection in KC going to LA(because our plane was really late in taking off and he had a short connection time) that I'd pray that God would have his plane wait for him

  63. Hearing as we land how God answered that prayer (That passenger made it because the airline held the plane for the connecting passengers... Go God!! I totally looked for that guy to give him a "see what God did" look.)

  64. Hearing Mr. Right tell me how much he missed me when I was away

  65. Hearing Mr. Right tell me how a part of him was incomplete when I was gone

  66. Earplugs

  67. Early morning Bible reading

  68. Understanding more and more that just as the body is different, our church body is made up of different kinds of people

  69. Understanding that God draws people to him in different ways than he drew me

  70. Not often feeling judgmental or harsh anymore when I hear about others' coming to know God better and better

  71. Hoops and Yoyo - every time

  72. Jello jigglers, which are not to be confused with...

  73. Jello shots

  74. Really great chocolate covered donuts

  75. Marriott rewards points earned while doing my job

  76. Mocha Breves

  77. Smooth or funky jazz

  78. Wireless internet

  79. T-1 lines at work (even if I can't get to my blogger account or leave messages on Blogger comment sections)

  80. Winning free tickets to a musical (this Thursday - Sweet Charity)

  81. Finding fabulous tips in the WFMW post

  82. 300 count (or higher) cotton sheets

  83. Remembering signs (from ASL) after not practicing all summer

  84. Sweet, juicy strawberries

  85. Knowing my vacation starts in 8 days

  86. Kindness from a stranger

  87. Watching young kids loving on their parents

  88. Newborns

  89. A third party (girl) telling me that I'm beautiful (and to basically shut up and remember that) when I start on a path of my physical shortcomings

  90. Cherry limeades (specifically from Sonics)

  91. Laughing at myself when I've done something remarkably stupid or silly

  92. First morning cup of coffee

  93. Casual days at work

  94. Jeans that fit well and make me look good

  95. Dreaming of actually finding jeans that fit well and make me look good and they don't cost an arm and a leg

  96. Hugs

  97. Finding kindred spirits

  98. Having a joyful heart

  99. Having impromptu dinner and game nights

  100. Feeling alive
