Why I Deserve to be MOTY
I have this problem with remembering my son's birthday. Well, no that's not true. I remember it clearly. It's the party thing that I keep forgetting to do.
The main reason is that he was a turkey baby. I had him on Thanksgiving 7 years ago. Now the problem with this is that most kids would like to have a party, but being that people are out of town at that time, I don't want to throw a party for him on his birthday. It would really do wonders to his self-esteem to have the party and then have no one show up, don't you think?
If we are with family, we usually have an impromptu, last minute, oh-please-let-there-be-a-cake-mix-in-the-pantry-so-that-I-can-make-something-for-this-boy's-celebration kind of shindig. This year it was cupcakes from Wal-Mart - with autumn leaves on them. Yeah. Such a boy's idea of fun. But they were chocolate, so maybe he didn't notice the little leaves afterall. Oh, and the present was another story. I had a t-shirt and a Veggie Tales CD hidden away... for Christmas. So out they came in place of a birthday present. A T-SHIRT! Just what a 7 year old wants... Yeah, he looked at it and looked at me with an expression of huh: A t-shirt? Gah. (He did like the CD, though. And he kindly thanked us for both gifts, even though he probably forgot about the t-shirt in 2 seconds flat.)
Now I know I need to do a "real" party for him, but who has the time for that now?! I mean we're entering the holiday rush. Mr. Right has already said it should be this weekend, but Hello! I have to send out invitations with more than 2 days notice, don't you think?
So I'm shooting for the following weekend. Hopefully I can get my hiney out to find some Ben Ten invitations - you know my son is still all over that... Of course he has to pick something that will be practically impossible to locate. Don't worry; I've got a backup if I can't find it. It's called the Snow theme. As in white paper plates, white napkins, white styrofoam cups. I'll just say that it is my simple little prayer for him that he will get to sled this year.
Yeah, I don't think he'll buy it either. I'll find something to make him happy he has me as a mom.
On his actual birthday (last Saturday), I awoke early as usual. I read, folded laundry, drank some coffee and then about 2 minutes before my son woke up, I remembered that it was his birthday. Such a thoughtful mom, aren't I? I didn't make squat for his birthday breakfast in bed. I ran upstairs and had him crawl into my bed, where I woke up Mr. Right and we sang Happy Birthday to him and told him that he got to pick out the breakfast menu. (Fortunately I know my son well - Chocolate Chip Pancakes all around with bacon.)
Later we totally splurged and took him out to his choice of lunch. Well, that's not entirely true. He picked McDonald's, but Mr. Right is so sick of that place we made him pick somewhere else. He chose Culver's which was too expensive for our pocketbook, so then he picked Wendy's. We finally said yes to that choice. Also when we went to our friends' house for Mr. Right to play Xbox with his buddy, we let the boy play computer games the entire time he was there. That is a huge allowance in our eyes. And as the finally recognition that it was his birthday, I gave in to all of my son's requests for me to sleep with him for a night. Okay, it wasn't the whole night, but it's the thought that counts, right? I mean who can sleep with a 7 year old kicking you in the ribs all night?
Well all I know is that I'm better this year than I was 2 years ago. I had his 5th birthday celebration in March the following year, only 4 months late. See why I make such a great mom? Doesn't that just make you want to beg for me to be your mother? Yeah, I didn't think so.
I can be such a procrastinator.
So if anyone is looking for a nominee for the Mom of the Year award, I highly recommend that you go to another recipient. I'll be lucky just to be called Mom by my son the way I'm going.

And as further proof of my inability to be mom of the year, guess how old this picture is? It's been two years since I've had a picture with my son. This is just so sad. Never will my walls be adorned with that significant MOTY award. Sigh. That's okay. At least he loves me despite all of my faults... of which there are many. I have him at "Loaded Potato Soup"... for now.
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